SSC JE 2024: Exam Pattern, Syllabus and Preparation Tips

SSC JE Syllabus:- The SSC JE exam stands out as one of India's most popular yet hard government exams, offering multiple opportunities. Administered by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), it specifically caters to engineers specializing in Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical engineering disciplines. Hence, candidates proficient in these fields can leverage the exam's potential to advance their careers significantly. But before stepping in for SSC JE 2024, aspirants should thoroughly go through the SSC JE Syllabus and SSC JE Exam Pattern 2024 from the below article.
SSC JE Syllabus
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has recently announced the recruitment notification for 968 vacancies of Junior Engineers. To excel in the SSC JE Exam, candidates must thoroughly understand the SSC JE Syllabus, which covers a wide array of topics essential for success. The SSC Junior Engineering (SSC JE) exam consists of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 of the SSC JE 2024 exam is scheduled to be held on 5th, 6th, and 7th June 2024. Candidates preparing for the SSC JE exam must thoroughly understand the detailed SSC JE syllabus for 2024, covering essential topics in the Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical engineering branches.
SSC JE Exam Pattern 2024
The SSC JE examination for 2024 comprises two distinct papers, each conducted in a computer-based format. Check out the SSC JE Exam Pattern in detail from the below table:-
SSC JE Exam Pattern 2024 |
Paper |
Mode of Examination |
Subjects |
No of Questions/ Max. Marks |
Duration |
Paper-I |
Computer Based Exam |
i) General Intelligence and Reasoning |
50/50 |
2 Hours (2 hours and 40 minutes for eligible candidates) |
ii) General Awareness |
50/50 |
iii) Part-A: General Engineering (Civil & Structural) |
100/100 |
Part-B: General Engineering (Electrical) |
Part-C: General Engineering (Mechanical) |
Paper-II |
Computer Based Exam |
Part-A: General Engineering (Civil & Structural) |
100/300 |
2 Hours (2 hours and 40 minutes for eligible candidates) |
Part-B: General Engineering (Electrical) |
Part-C: General Engineering (Mechanical) |
SSC JE Syllabus Paper I
There are two papers in the SSC JE exam 2024. Check out the SSC JE Syllabus Paper I below:-
General Awareness
Candidates are tested on their knowledge of current events and everyday observations with a focus on History, Culture, Geography, Economics, Politics, and Scientific Research related to India and its neighbours. This section does not require specialised study.
General Intelligence & Reasoning
This section includes questions in both verbal and non-verbal formats. Topics cover analogies, similarities, differences, problem-solving, judgment, decision-making, memory, observation, arithmetical reasoning, classification, number series, and abstract thinking.
General Engineering: Civil & Structural, Electrical, and Mechanical
Part-A (Civil Engineering)
Topics include Building Materials, Estimation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Irrigation, Transportation, and Environmental Engineering.
Structural Engineering
Covers Theory of Structures, Concrete Technology, RCC Design (Reinforced Concrete), and Steel Design.
Part-B (Electrical Engineering)
Involves Basic concepts, Circuit laws, AC Fundamentals, Electrical Machines, Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Estimation, Utilization, and Basic Electronics.
Part-C (Mechanical Engineering)
Includes Theory of Machines, Engineering Mechanics, Thermodynamics, IC Engines (Internal Combustion), Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines, Pumps, and Material Classification.
SSC JE Syllabus Paper II
SSC JE Syllabus 2024 Civil Engineering
Here is the SSC JE Syllabus for Civil Engineering mentioned below:-
SSC JE Syllabus 2024 Civil Engineering |
Subject |
Topics |
Building Materials |
Physical and chemical properties, classification, standard tests, uses and manufacture/quarrying of materials such as building stones, silicate-based materials, cement (Portland), asbestos products, timber and wood-based products, laminates, bituminous materials, paints, varnishes. |
Estimating, Costing and Valuation |
Estimate, glossary of technical terms, analysis of rates, methods and unit of measurement, items of work including earthwork, brickwork, RCC work, shuttering, timber work, painting, flooring, plastering, boundary wall, water tank, septic tank, bar bending schedule, methods of valuation. |
Surveying |
Principles of surveying, measurement of distance, chain surveying, prismatic compass, compass traversing, bearings, plane table surveying, theodolite traversing, levelling, contouring, curvature corrections, dumpy level adjustments, tachymetric survey, curve setting, earthwork calculation, advanced surveying equipment. |
Soil Mechanics |
Origin of soil, void ratio, porosity, saturation, water content, specific gravity, unit weights, density index, interrelationship of parameters, grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, soil classification, permeability, aquifers, consolidation, settlement, shear strength, compaction, earth pressure, bearing capacity. |
Hydraulics |
Fluid properties, hydrostatics, flow measurement, Bernoulli’s theorem, flow through pipes, open channel flow, weirs, flumes, spillways, pumps, and turbines. |
Irrigation Engineering |
Types of irrigation, hydrology, water requirement of crops, canals, canal lining, wells, weirs, barrages, flood control, water logging, land reclamation, and major irrigation projects in India. |
Transportation Engineering |
Highway engineering, pavement design, materials testing, railway components, traffic engineering, traffic surveys, intersections, traffic signals, and road safety. |
Environmental Engineering |
Water supply, purification, distribution, sanitation, sewerage systems, sewage treatment, surface water drainage, solid waste management, air and noise pollution control. |
Structural Engineering |
Theory of structures, elasticity, beams, bending moments, shear forces, moment of inertia, torsion, concrete technology, RCC design (limit state and working stress methods), steel design, and construction techniques. |
SSC JE Syllabus 2024 Electrical Engineering
Go through the SSC JE Syllabus for Electrical Engineering
SSC JE Syllabus 2024 Electrical Engineering |
Subject |
Topics |
Basic Concepts |
Concepts of resistance, inductance, capacitance, factors affecting them. Concepts of current, voltage, power, energy and their units. |
Circuit Law |
Kirchhoff’s laws, Simple circuit solutions using network theorems. |
Magnetic Circuit |
Concepts of flux, mmf, reluctance. Different kinds of magnetic materials. Magnetic calculations for conductors (e.g., straight, circular, solenoidal). Electromagnetic induction, self and mutual induction. |
AC Fundamentals |
Instantaneous, peak, RMS and average values of alternating waves. Representation of sinusoidal waveform. Simple series and parallel AC circuits (RL and C). Resonance, Tank Circuit. Poly Phase system – star and delta connection. 3-phase power. DC and sinusoidal response of R-L and R-C circuits. |
Measurement and Measuring Instruments |
Measurement of power (1 phase and 3 phase, active and reactive), energy. 2 wattmeter method of 3 phase power measurement. Measurement of frequency and phase angle. Ammeter and voltmeter types. Wattmeter, Multimeters, Megger, Energy meter. AC Bridges. CRO, Signal Generator, CT, PT. Earth Fault detection. |
Electrical Machines |
(a) DC Machine – Construction, Principles of DC motors and generators, characteristics, speed control, starting, braking, losses, efficiency. (b) Transformers – Construction, Principles, equivalent circuit, tests, efficiency, voltage regulation, parallel operation, auto transformers. (c) 3-phase Induction Motors – Construction, principles, equivalent circuit, characteristics, starting, speed control, braking. Fractional Kilowatt Motors and Single Phase Induction Motors – Characteristics, applications. (d) Synchronous Machines – Generation, armature reaction, voltage regulation, parallel operation, synchronizing, power control, starting. |
Generation, Transmission and Distribution |
Types of power stations, Load factor, diversity factor, demand factor, cost of generation, power factor improvement, tariffs, types of faults, short circuit current, switchgears, arc extinction, protection systems, lightning arresters, transmission systems, conductor materials, cable types, rating. |
Estimation and Costing |
Estimation of lighting schemes, electric installations, IE rules, earthing practices. |
Utilization of Electrical Energy |
Illumination, Electric heating, Electric welding, Electroplating, Electric drives and motors. |
Basic Electronics |
Working of electronic devices (e.g., diodes, transistors), simple circuits. |
SSC JE Syllabus 2024 Mechanical Engineering
Check out the SSC JE Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering
SSC JE Syllabus 2024 Mechanical Engineering |
Subject |
Topics |
Theory of Machines and Machine Design |
Concept of simple machines, Four bar linkage and link motion, Flywheels, Power transmission by belts (V-belts and Flat belts), Clutches (Plate and Conical clutch), Gears (Types, gear profile, gear ratio calculation), Governors (Principles, classification), Riveted joint, Cams, Bearings, Friction in collars and pivots. |
Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials |
Equilibrium of Forces, Laws of motion, Friction, Concepts of stress and strain, Elastic limit and elastic constants, Bending moments and shear force diagrams, Stress in composite bars, Torsion of circular shafts, Buckling of columns (Euler’s and Rankin’s theories), Thin-walled pressure vessels. |
Thermal Engineering |
Properties of Pure Substances (P-V & P-T diagrams, steam tables), Saturation, Wet & Superheated states, Dryness fraction, Degree of superheat, H-s chart (Mollier’s Chart), 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Air standard cycles for IC engines, Rankine cycle of steam, Boilers, Air Compressors, Refrigeration cycles. |
Fluid Mechanics & Machinery |
Properties & Classification of Fluids (Ideal & Real fluids), Newton’s law of viscosity, Compressible and incompressible fluids, Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure (Manometers, U-tube, Inclined tube), Fluid Kinematics, Dynamics of ideal fluids, Bernoulli’s equation, Measurement of Flow rate, Hydraulic Turbines, Centrifugal Pumps. |
Production Engineering |
Classification of Steels (Mild steel & Alloy steel), Heat treatment of steel, Welding techniques (Arc, Gas, Resistance, TIG, MIG, etc.), Welding defects & testing, Foundry & Casting methods, Forging, Extrusion, Metal cutting principles, Machining principles (Lathe, Milling, Drilling, Shaping, Grinding). |
SSC Preparation Tips 2024
General Intelligence & Reasoning
Focus on verbal and non-verbal reasoning.
Practice analogies, spatial visualization, problem-solving.
Develop skills in judgment and decision-making.
General Awareness
Stay updated with current events and news.
Study history, geography, economics, and political science.
Learn about scientific developments and research.
General Engineering (Civil)
Study building materials and their properties.
Understand estimating, costing, and valuation techniques.
Cover topics like surveying, soil mechanics, and hydraulics.
General Engineering (Electrical)
Master basic concepts of electricity and magnetism.
Learn about circuit laws and magnetic circuits.
Study AC fundamentals, electrical machines, and power systems.
General Engineering (Mechanical)
Focus on the theory of machines and machine design.
Learn the strength of materials and their applications.
Study thermal engineering, fluid mechanics, and production engineering.
Practice and Revision
Solve SSC JE previous year's papers and mock tests regularly.
Review important topics and chapters thoroughly.
Work on time management and exam strategy.
SSC JE Syllabus FAQs
Q1. What is the SSC JE exam?
Ans. The SSC JE exam is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit Junior Engineers in various government departments for Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Quantity Surveying & Contracts disciplines.
Q2. What are the subjects covered in SSC JE?
Ans. The SSC JE exam covers General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Engineering for Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical disciplines.
Q3. What topics are included in General Intelligence & Reasoning?
Ans. Topics include analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, arithmetic reasoning, verbal and figure classification, etc.
Q4. What does General Awareness in SSC JE cover?
Ans. It tests candidates on their knowledge of current events, history, geography, economics, general polity, and scientific research.
Q5. What are the subjects under General Engineering for Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical?
Ans. For Civil: Building Materials, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, etc.
For Electrical: Basic concepts, Circuit law, Magnetic Circuit, AC Fundamentals, Electrical Machines, etc.
For Mechanical: Theory of Machines, Strength of Materials, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Production Engineering, etc.