Teaching Kids Basic Life Skills for Everyday Success

Physics Wallah Academic Expert
July 12, 2024

Teaching Your Child Everyday Skills: Teaching your child everyday skills will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Everyday skills are essential for children to have including problem solving, communicating effectively, cleanness, and getting dressed and ready. But a lot of children don't acquire these everyday skills until high school. Teach your child everyday skills now, before they become teenagers. Reading books, kid's writing books designed for children are effective in teaching your child everyday skills. In this article we will be discussing a few everyday skills for children to prepare them better for their future lives.

Important Everyday Skills for Children

We have mentioned below a few everyday skills for children to help them grow better and understand the world around them easily.

Effective Communication Using Kindergarten Reading Books

Effective communication is an essential component of success in both personal and professional areas of life. By teaching your child effective communication skills from an early age, you equip them to express themselves clearly, listen actively, and handle social situations with confidence.

Encourage them to use words like "happy," "sad," "mad," and "scared" to describe their feelings. Use picture story books or flashcards to help your child spot and name different emotions and objects.

Help your children to write a few words using kids writing books. This will help children grow their vocabulary and understand things easily.

Problem Solving in Everyday Life

Problem-solving is a useful skill that empowers children to overcome challenges and manage the complexities of daily life with confidence. By introducing them to problem-solving skills and encouraging them to recognize patterns, you equip them with the abilities they need to handle a variety of situations successfully.

Start by teaching your child to identify patterns and colors in their surroundings using kids color books. Using activity books for children is a great way to increase their problem solving skills. 

Ask your child to spot and describe patterns they observe in nature, in their daily routines, or familiar settings like their home or school.

Learning to Read the Clock By Picture Books

Young children need to learn how to tell time as they grow up. Learning to read the clock is an important part of a child's growth because it helps them understand their daily schedule and be on time for activities.

When you teach your child how to tell time, you give them the skills they need to become more independent. They can decide what to do and become more aware of how much time has passed.

Start with the basics: explain what an "hour hand" and a "minute hand" are and how they work together to show time. To help your child see and understand how time goes by, use different teaching tools, like traditional clocks, digital clocks, and Kids pattern books.

Tying shoelaces

For kids, learning to tie their shoelaces is an important task because it shows how independent they are becoming and how their fine motor skills are improving. Even though it might seem hard at first, your child can learn this important skill with time and effort.

Start with the shoelaces untied. Show your child how to cross one lace over the other to form an "X" shape.

Next, show them how to loop one lace under the other and pull it through to create a basic knot.

Now, show your child how to make two bunny ear loops by folding each lace over itself.

Cross the bunny ear loops over each other to form an "X" shape, then tuck one loop under the other and pull it through to create a knot.

Tighten the knot by pulling both bunny ear loops simultaneously until it is tightened.

Getting Dressed and Ready

One of the most important things kids do as they grow up is learn how to dress and get ready on their own. Not only does this help children feel more independent, but it improves their confidence and self-esteem.

Continuity is key when it comes to creating a morning routine. Create a routine that includes waking up at the same time each day, eating breakfast, and getting dressed.

Encourage your child to make choices when it comes to choosing their clothes. Offer them a few choices to choose from to promote decision-making skills. Teaching skills in a story way is an effective technique to make children understand how to perform tasks. Parents can use children reading books to teach children how to get ready or how to choose clothing to wear.


Teaching children the importance of cleanliness and involving them in household cleaning tasks not only helps keep your home tidy but also promotes important life skills.

Start by describing to your child why cleanliness is important. Discuss how a clean environment promotes health, reduces clutter, and makes a pleasant living place for everyone. 

Assign age-appropriate cleaning tasks based on your child's abilities. Younger children can help with simple chores like picking up toys, while older children can assist with vacuuming, dusting, and tidying their rooms.

Manage Their Money

Learning to manage money is an important skill that children can benefit from at a young age. By teaching them basic financial concepts and responsible money management habits, you empower them to make smart decisions with their finances as they grow.

Use play money or coins to help your child understand the different monetization and their values. Use picture books to make them identify different monetization and different currencies.

Use piggy banks or jars labeled with different categories such as saving, spending, and giving to visually represent their budget. Instruct your child to allocate a portion of their money to each category.

Teaching Your Child Everyday Skills- FAQs

Q1: How to teach life skills to children?

Ans: Teach by example, divide tasks into parts, use everyday events, and offer lots of support and praise.

Q2: What are the 7 basic life skills?

Ans: The 7 basic life skills include communication, decision making, problem-solving, cleanliness, compassion, coping with emotions, and coping with stress.

Q3: Why is it important to teach children life skills?

Ans: Teaching life skills helps children become independent, confident, and capable individuals who can overcome challenges and succeed in various areas of life.

Q4: What are the five important life skills?

Ans: Communication, critical thinking, teamwork, mental ability, and adaptation are the five essential life skills.

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