Class 7th Books
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NCERT Class 7th Books,Combo for Class 7th Books, Benefits, Preparation Tips
NCERT Class 7th Books are very important for candidates preparing for the class 7th exam or any competitive exam. Thus, aspirants can go through the NCERT Class 7th Books below.
For Class 7 students, using NCERT Solutions is super helpful because it strengthens their understanding of basic ideas. Moving from Class 6 to Class 7 introduces them to a bit more advanced stuff. NCERT books are the main books to study for Class 7, covering a lot of different subjects. These books explain all the important ideas that Class 7 students need to learn, giving them a strong start for their school journey.
In Class 7, the CBSE syllabus covers important topics from different chapters like Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Hindi, and English. Especially in the early school years, it's good for students to focus on all these important subjects to help them in later studies. To make learning smoother in Class 7, students can download and practice with NCERT Solutions Class 7. These solutions cover all the subjects and chapters in the Class 7 syllabus. They give students the right help and guidance. Regularly using these solutions will help students understand their subjects and the topics they're learning.
NCERT Class 7
NCERT Class 7 Solutions are super important for getting ready for Class 7 CBSE Exams and aiming for top grades. These solutions are made by really smart teachers and professionals, providing trustworthy study material for Class 7. They give students a boost in solving problems faster and understanding all the important concepts and theories in the Class 7 syllabus set by the CBSE board. It's crucial to get a good handle on these subjects right from Class 7 to build a strong understanding of the basics. Practising the questions and solutions is a must to get a good grip on the topics and theories in each chapter, ensuring great marks in the exam.
NCERT Class 7 Subjects
Candidates can go through all the subjects of class 7 from the below table:-
NCERT Class 7 Subjects |
Subject |
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 |
Maths |
NCERT Solutions Class 7 Maths |
English |
NCERT Solutions Class 7 English |
Hindi |
NCERT Solutions Class 7 Hindi |
Science |
NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science |
Social Science |
NCERT Solutions Class 7 Social Science |
NCERT Books Class 7:
NCERT Books Class 7 for Maths
Candidate can check out the NCERT Books Class 7 for Maths chapter-wise from the below table:-
NCERT Books Class 7 for Maths |
English |
Hindi |
Chapter 1: Integers |
अध्याय 1: पूर्णांक |
Chapter 2: Fractions and Decimals |
अध्याय 2: भिन्न और दशमलव |
Chapter 3: Data Handling |
अध्याय 3: आंकड़ा संचार |
Chapter 4: Simple Equations |
अध्याय 4: सरल समीकरण |
Chapter 5: Lines and Angles |
अध्याय 5: रेखाएँ और कोण |
Chapter 6: The Triangle and Its Properties |
अध्याय 6: त्रिभुज और इसके गुण |
Chapter 7: Comparing Quantities |
अध्याय 7: मात्रा की तुलना |
Chapter 8: Rational Numbers |
अध्याय 8: राशियां |
Chapter 9: Perimeter and Area |
अध्याय 9: परिमाप और क्षेत्रफल |
Chapter 10: Algebraic Expressions |
अध्याय 10: बीजगणितीय अभिव्यक्तियाँ |
Chapter 11: Exponents and Powers |
अध्याय 11: घात और शक्तियाँ |
Chapter 12: Symmetry |
अध्याय 12: सममिति |
Chapter 13: Visualising Solid Shapes |
अध्याय 13: कठिन पृष्ठों की कल्पना |
NCERT Books Class 7 for Science
Candidate can check out the NCERT Books Class 7 for Science chapter-wise from the below table:-
NCERT Books Class 7 for Science |
English Chapters |
Hindi Chapters |
Chapter 1: Nutrition in Plants |
अध्याय 1: पौधों में पोषण |
Chapter 2: Nutrition in Animals |
अध्याय 2: पशुओं में पोषण |
Chapter 3: Heat |
अध्याय 3: ऊष्मा |
Chapter 4: Acids, Bases and Salts |
अध्याय 4: अम्ल, क्षार और लवण |
Chapter 5: Physical and Chemical Changes |
अध्याय 5: भौतिक और रासायनिक परिवर्तन |
Chapter 6: Respiration in Organisms |
अध्याय 6: जीवों में श्वसन |
Chapter 7: Transportation in Animals and Plants |
अध्याय 7: पशुओं और पौधों में परिवहन |
Chapter 8: Reproduction in Plants |
अध्याय 8: पौधों में प्रजनन |
Chapter 9: Motion and Time |
अध्याय 9: गति और समय |
Chapter 10: Electric Current and Its Effects |
अध्याय 10: विद्युत धारा और इसके प्रभाव |
Chapter 11: Light |
अध्याय 11: प्रकाश |
Chapter 12: Forests: Our Lifeline |
अध्याय 12: वन्यज: हमारी जीवरेखा |
Chapter 13: Wastewater Story |
अध्याय 13: कच्छे का कहानी |
NCERT Books Class 7 for Social Science
Candidate can check out the NCERT Books Class 7 for Social Science chapter-wise from the below table:-
English Chapters |
Hindi Chapters |
NCERT Class 7 Social Science History – Our Pasts – II |
NCERT कक्षा 7 सामाजिक विज्ञान इतिहास - हमारे अतीत - II |
1. Tracing Changes through a Thousand Years |
1: हज़ार सालों तक परिवर्तनों का पता करना |
2. New Kings and Kingdoms |
2: नए राजा और राज्य |
3. The Delhi Sultans |
3: दिल्ली के सुल्तान |
4. The Mughal Empire |
4: मुघल साम्राज्य |
5. Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities |
5: जनजातियाँ, खानाबदोश और बसे हुए समुदाय |
6. Devotional Paths to the Divine |
6: परमात्मा के प्रति भक्तिमार्ग |
7. The Making of Regional Cultures |
7: क्षेत्रीय सांस्कृतियों का निर्माण |
8. Eighteenth-Century Political Formations |
8: अठारहवीं सदी की राजनीतिक रचनाएँ |
NCERT Class 7 Social Science Geography - Our Environment |
NCERT कक्षा 7 सामाजिक विज्ञान भूगोल - हमारा पर्यावरण |
1. Environment |
1: पर्यावरण |
2. Inside Our Earth |
2: हमारी धरती के अंदर |
3. Our Changing Earth |
3: हमारी बदलती पृथ्वी |
4. Air |
4: हवा |
5. Water |
5: जल |
6. Human-Environment Interactions The Tropical and the Subtropical Region |
6: मानव-पर्यावरण संबंध ट्रॉपिकल और सबट्रॉपिकल क्षेत्र |
7. Life in the Deserts |
7: रेगिस्तान में जीवन |
NCERT Class 7 Social Science Civics - Social and Political Life – II |
NCERT कक्षा 7 सामाजिक विज्ञान नागरिक शास्त्र - सामाजिक और राजनीतिक जीवन - II |
1. On Equality |
1: समानता |
2. Role of the Government in Health |
2: स्वास्थ्य में सरकार का योगदान |
3. How the State Government Works |
3: राज्य सरकार कैसे काम करती है |
4. Growing Up as Boys and Girls |
4: लड़कों और लड़कियों के रूप में बड़ा होना |
5. Women Change the World |
5: महिलाएँ दुनिया को बदलती हैं |
6. Understanding Media |
6: मीडिया को समझना |
7. Markets around Us |
7: हमारे चारों ओर के बाजार |
8. A Shirt in the Market |
8: बाजार में एक कमीज |
NCERT Books Class 7 for English
Candidate can check out the NCERT Books Class 7 for English chapter-wise from the below table:-
NCERT Books Class 7 for English |
Honeycomb |
Supplementary |
Unit 1 Three Questions |
Unit 1 – The Tiny Teacher |
Unit 1 Poem: The Squirrel |
Unit 5 – The Bear Story |
Unit 2 A Gift of Chappals |
Unit 2 – Bringing up Kari |
Unit 2 Poem: The Rebel |
Unit 6 – A Tiger in the House |
Unit 3 Gopal and the Hilsa Fish |
Unit 3 – Golu Grows a Nose |
Unit 3 Poem: The Shed |
Unit 7 – An Alien Hand |
Unit 4 The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom |
Unit 4 – Chandni |
Unit 4 Poem: Chivvy |
– |
Unit 5 Quality |
– |
Unit 5 Poem: Trees |
– |
Unit 6 Expert Detectives |
– |
Unit 6 Poem: Mystery of the Talking Fan |
– |
Unit 7 The Invention of Vita-Wonk |
– |
Unit 7 Poem: Dad and the Cat and the Tree |
– |
Unit 7 Poem: Garden Snake |
– |
Unit 8 A Homage to Our Brave Soldiers |
– |
Unit 8 Poem: Meadow Surprises |
– |
NCERT Books Class 7 Hindi
Candidate can check out the NCERT Books Class 7 for Hindi chapter-wise from the below table:-
NCERT Solutions Class 7 Hindi Vasant |
Mahabharat - Bal Mahabharat Katha |
अध्याय 1 - हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के |
परिचय - महाभारत कथा (परिचय - पृष्ठ 1 और 2) |
अध्याय 2 - दादी मा |
अध्याय 1 - देवव्रत (अध्याय 2 - पृष्ठ 5 और 6) |
अध्याय 3 - हिमालय की बेटियाँ |
अध्याय 2 - भीष्म प्रतिज्ञा (अध्याय 3 - पृष्ठ 7) |
अध्याय 4 - कठपुतली |
अध्याय 3 - अंबा और भीष्म (अध्याय 3 - पृष्ठ 8 और 9) |
अध्याय 5 - मिठाईवाला |
अध्याय 4 - विदुर (अध्याय 4 - पृष्ठ 9 और 10) |
अध्याय 6 - रक्त और हमारा शरीर |
अध्याय 5 - कुंती (अध्याय 5 - पृष्ठ 10 और 11) |
अध्याय 7 - पापा हार गए |
अध्याय 6 - भीम (अध्याय 6 - पृष्ठ 11,12 और 13) |
अध्याय 8 - शाम - एक किसान |
अध्याय 7 - कर्ण (अध्याय 7 - पृष्ठ 13,14,15 और 16) |
अध्याय 9 - चिड़िया की बच्ची |
अध्याय 8 - द्रोणाचार्य (अध्याय 8 - पृष्ठ 16) |
अध्याय 10 - अपूर्व अनुभव |
अध्याय 9 - लाख का घर (अध्याय 9 - पृष्ठ 19) |
अध्याय 11 - रहीम के दोहे |
अध्याय 10 - पांडवों की रक्षा (अध्याय 10 - पृष्ठ 21) |
अध्याय 12 - कंचा |
अध्याय 11 - द्रौपदी स्वयंवर (अध्याय 11 - पृष्ठ 28) |
अध्याय 13 - एक टिनका |
अध्याय 12 - इंद्रप्रस्थ (अध्याय 12 - पृष्ठ 30 और 31) |
अध्याय 14 - खान पन की बदलती तस्वीर |
अध्याय 13 - जरासंध (अध्याय 13 - पृष्ठ 32 और 33) |
अध्याय 15 - नीलकंठ |
अध्याय 14 - चौसर का खेल और द्रौपदी की व्यथा (अध्याय 14 - पृष्ठ 35,36 और 37) |
अध्याय 16 - भोर और बरखा |
अध्याय 15 - द्वेष करनेवाले का जी नहीं भरता (अध्याय 15 - पृष |
Combo for Class 7th Books
NCERT Books are crucial, not just for Class 7 candidates but also for those preparing for various entrance and competitive exams. These books play a vital role in building a strong understanding of subjects. To simplify things for all candidates, the Physics Wala team has assembled a combo package of NCERT Books that won't break the bank. It's a budget-friendly option for all candidates. If candidates want to get this useful package directly from the PW Store, just click on the link below.
Benefits of NCERT Class 7th Books
Understanding Concepts: These books make it easy for candidates to grasp important ideas in subjects like Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Hindi, and English.
Covering a Lot: The books include a wide range of topics, making sure candidates get a good overall education.
Perfect for Exams: Since the books stick closely to the curriculum, they're excellent for getting ready for exams.
Written Well: Experts write the content, so candidates can trust that the information is accurate and reliable.
Easy Language: The language in NCERT books is simple, making it easier for candidates to understand.
Get Ready for Exams: With the set of questions at the end of each chapter, candidates can practice and prepare for exams.
Useful for Other Exams: The knowledge from NCERT books is handy for various entrance and competitive exams.
Not Expensive: NCERT books are affordable, so candidates from different backgrounds can get them without any problem.
Learn Better: With clear explanations, helpful diagrams, and interesting exercises, candidates can enjoy a better learning experience.
NCERT Class 7th Books FAQs
Q1. Why are NCERT Class 7 Books important?
Ans. NCERT Class 7 Books are essential as they provide a strong foundation in various subjects and are aligned with the curriculum, helping students understand concepts better.
Q2. How do NCERT Class 7 Books benefit candidates preparing for competitive exams?
Ans. NCERT books cover a wide range of topics, making them beneficial for candidates preparing for entrance and competitive exams. The content is comprehensive and serves as a reliable study resource.
Q3. What makes NCERT Class 7 Books suitable for exam preparation?
Ans. These books closely follow the prescribed syllabus, making them ideal for exam preparation. The set of questions at the end of each chapter helps candidates practice and assess their understanding.
Q4. Are NCERT Class 7 Books budget-friendly?
Ans. Yes, NCERT books are cost-effective, ensuring affordability for candidates from different financial backgrounds. This accessibility is a key advantage.
Q5. Can candidates purchase NCERT Class 7 Books directly from the Physics Wala Store?
Ans. Yes, candidates can conveniently purchase a budget-friendly combo package of NCERT Class 7 Books directly from the Physics Wala Store.